Got some really cool fungi pics of some polypores from Eva she took last week on a walk with Robin in North London that I want to share with you.

Acupuncture in London

I think they are polyporus squamosus, also known as Dryad’s Saddle, though they could probably pass for polyporus craterellus, have a look at these images and see what you think, your comments appreciated.

Acupuncture in London - mushrooms

Also, maybe we can start a new thread here, after the storm last week, and with this being a Bank Holiday weekend, you may find yourself taking a walk in the park or camping out in nature, why not take a pic of the mushrooms you spot and email me or post’em in comments, and we can all try (all 12 of us πŸ˜‰ to identify them and vote for the best ones.

The winner will get Paul Stamets book, Mycelium Running, which I mentioned in the last post.

PS. RIP Gil Scott-Heron, a true legend.