Chiropractic looks at diagnosing, treating and preventing problems with the joints, muscles and nerves. Problems can arise for many different reasons, ranging from trauma to poor posture.
Chiropractic not only deals with injuries, aches and pains but also prevention of problems you may have had in the past and helping you stay healthy, active and performing well.
A short list of problems that Chiropractic can help with include:
- Neck pain
- Mid-back(thoracic) pain
- Low back pain
- Headaches
- Whiplash associated disorders
- Shoulder pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Hip and knee pain
- Plantar fascitis
- Minor sports injuries
Within chiropractic many different techniques are used, our new chiropractor Camilla mainly uses Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Diversified and Dry needling techniques amongst others in order for her to give you the best treatment possible. All treatment is tailored to your individual needs and is suitable for people of all ages.
SOT is a gentle technique perfect for everyone including babies, children and pregnant women. It looks at the relationship between the sacrum (base of spine) and occiput (base of skull) and then goes from there, hence the name.
Dry needling can be used anywhere on the body, it is used to release muscle tension and is very effective. It can also be used where there is swelling and tenderness in areas that may have suffered from a recent sports injury.
A visit to the chiropractor isn’t just about getting the joints moving properly, releasing off muscles and restoring function to the nervous system. Things like lifestyle and diet are also very important things to consider when helping your body to heal, function maximally and improve performance.ย
If you are not fuelling your body with the right foods then you can’t expect healing or day to day functioning to be at its best. Similarly, exercise is also an important factor to consider, discussing this is all part of your treatment plan. Whether it be specific strengthening exercises for the problematic area, or cardiovascular exercise, activity keeps our joints, muscles, nerves and body as a whole happy and healthy.
Chiropractic is a holistic approach to your health, concerned with all areas in order to get the best results.
Learn more about our Chiropractic at well4ever here.