Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine which was developed in China over 3000 years ago. It is based on the concept of Qi (or Chi) which is the vital life force that flows in our bodies through an energetic network of channels that are called meridians.
Acupuncture is a holistic medicine that looks at the human being as a whole rather than just focusing on symptoms and diseases. Instead of trying to separate the body from the mind we view them as parts of an energetic system. Physical symptoms and emotional issues can then be seen as different manifestations of energy blocks.
How does it work?
When the Qi or energy flows freely thru the channels we experience health and wellbeing. However, when the flow of energy gets blocked that is when discomfort, pain or ill health present themselves.
An old Chinese saying that illustrates this point well translates: ‘Pain, no free flow. Free flow, no pain’. So what we try to do with acupuncture is to restore the free flow of the Qi throughout the body. By doing that we can eliminate the symptomatic manifestations of the obstruction of energy flow, i.e. pain, illness or whatever they may be, achieve balance and regain health
What can Acupuncture treat?
Over the centuries, people have turned to acupuncture for a wide range of health problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognised acupuncture as successfully helping people with:
- lower back pain
- neck pain
- sciatica
- tennis elbow
- knee pain
- periarthritis of the shoulder
- sprains
- facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
- headache
- dental pain
- tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction
- rheumatoid arthritis
- induction of labour
- correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation)
- morning sickness
- nausea and vomiting
- postoperative pain
- stroke
- essential hypertension
- primary hypotension
- renal colic
- leucopenia
- adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy
- allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
- biliary colic
- depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
- acute bacillary dysentery
- primary dysmenorrhea
- acute epigastralgia
- peptic ulcer
- acute and chronic gastritis
What happens in a session?
In an acupuncture treatment you will have a specific point combination tailored individually to you, that will aim to balance your energy. That should lead you to feeling physically invigorated and energetic, yet emotionally calm and relaxed.
What are the Acupuncture channels? What are the Acupuncture points?
Meridian theory, describes in detail the channel pathways and connections. It maps out the flow of Qi energy throughout the human body. Each organ system has its meridian along which the acupuncture points are strategically located. Every point has its functions and indications so by placing acupuncture needles in certain points we can access the specific pathway to the Qi that will rectify the imbalance in the system and solve the problem. In the body there are twelve 12 primary meridians and 361 acupuncture points through which the Qi flows the meridians are structured like a system of motorways that enables perfect communication and facilitates free flow of Qi, blood and information thru the body. An illness then would be an interruption or blockage of this flow.
So keeping the highways in mind, we could see a traffic jam in the Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder meridian manifesting as back pain. In this case, performing acupuncture on points along the UB channel unblocks the congestion and restores the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body relieving the pain.
For more detailed information see our Acupuncture Resources page