Hi there! As a newcomer to well4ever I’d firstly like to introduce myself. My name is Claire Hewison – I’ve been practicing homeopathy for some 16 years now, in West and South West London. I’ve just joined well4ever and thought it might be useful to contribute to the Blog, with some thoughts and practical uses for homeopathic remedies throughout the seasons.
So, starting with SPRING!
Hayfever Remedies
The obvious one to start with would be Hayfever. Whether you suffer with this condition mildly or in such a way that that it is debilitating for you, then homeopathy may help. It is often best to begin to treat a patient in the Winter, in order to strengthen the system for when Spring rolls around. However, there are many remedies that can be considered to treat the acute symptoms as they arise. For example:
- Allium Cepa: Itching, burning eyes; much sneezing with watery discharge which burns upper lip;
- Nat mur; Eyes sensitive to sunlight with itching & burning; swollen lids; nose stopped up but violent sneezing.
- Arsen alb; Burning in eyes; swelling around eyes; Nose feels stopped up although constantly running; sneezing without relief;
- Sabadilla; Eyelids red, burning & watery; spasmodic sneezing with dry, itching, tickling nose; itching of the palate. Itching spread over whole body.
- Euphrasia: Acrid, burning tears, constantly watering; sensation of dust or sand in eyes; nose stopped up, worse at night;
The Common Cold
Next up, let’s look at the common cold. Again, depending on the symptoms, there are a whole host of remedies that we could look at that may help to speed up the process. Here are a few for starters:
- Aconite: Often useful at the very beginning of a cold – when the onset is sudden – can be taken at the very first signs and may stop it in it’s tracks! Hoarse, dry , croupy cough. Better lying down. Pain at root of nose. Dry and stopped up. Inflammation of the throat, burning and stinging. High fever.
- Belladonna; high fever with dilated pupils; Hot, red face; quick shallow breathing; short dry cough which is worse at night. Red, swollen nose. Skin is dry and hot.
- Pulsatilla; cough with green phlegm; worse from stuffy room and from lying down; dry mouth without thirst; bland yellow discharge from nose with loss of smell. Better in open air. Pale complexion.
- Kali bic; fullness at root of nose; thick, ropy, green discharge; dry hacking cough with yellow, glutinous expectoration. Blotchy face. Catarrhal laryngitis.
- Lycopodium; swollen ulcerated tonsils, beginning on right hand side; dry throat; chronic runny nose yet acute sense of smell; tickling cough
Finally, for now at least, there is a children’s disease that often rears its ugly head around this time of year. Namely, Chickenpox. This can be very uncomfortable for children; to get it as an adult is pretty miserable too. There are many remedies that are indicated with chickenpox which may help with the itching and accompanying symptoms. A few names on that list would be:
- Rhus Tox; skin is red and swollen with intense itching; dry hot and burning, although patient may want warm applications.
- Sulphur; itching worse at night and for heat of bed; worse for washing; skin burns when scratched. Painfully sensitive to air/wind.
- Belladonna; skin is bright red and hot. Face may alternate red and pale. Glands swollen, tender and red.
In each case, there are several other remedies we could consider, always depending on the specific symptoms that are being experienced.
If you would like to discuss any of the above in person, please do get in touch!